American burying beetle

The American Burying Beetle (ABB) is listed as a Federal endangered species. The current distribution encompasses eight states, including Rhode Island, Massachusetts, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma. While planning a project, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service requires an ABB presence/absence survey in counties where the ABB is historically found, likely to be present, documented or unconfirmed.

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ABB Surveys

Requires a five-night survey during the ABB active season on all federal projects. The ABB season will open after five consecutive nights of 60 degrees or higher. From this date until July 28th surveys can be completed to clear projects that will complete surface disturbance by the close of the active season. Surveys performed after July 28th will clear projects until the next active season. The active survey season will close after August 31st when the minimum temperatures are below 60 degrees. Due to the uncertainty of when the season will close, we recommend completing all surveys prior to August 31st. Reagan Smith has six USFWS Section 10 American Burying Beetle Biologists. We can set up to 100 traps per five-night survey. The Reagan Smith works with the client to determine the best and most effective trap sites. Reporting and USFWS consultation are filed quickly so as to not delay projects.


Industry Conservation Plan

Projects that have a positive ABB survey may apply for take coverage under the Industry Conservation Plan by submitting A 3-200-56 Federal Fish and Wildlife Application Form. Reagan Smith prepares all aspects of the permit application including the ABB ICP Eligibility Determination Document, maps, mitigation calculations, and NEPA compliance including migratory bird, bald eagle and cultural resources surveys. We also assist operators by securing mitigation bank credits or assisting in mitigation bank setup.


Incidental Take Permits




Lesser Prairie Chicken