Government Contracting

Reagan Smith is a woman owned small business that regularly contracts services with local, state, and federal government agencies including many tribal governments to provide a broad range of services.



    Project Management

    Broadband Planning and Implementation

    Airport Wildlife Management

    Wind Energy Planning and Implementation

    Solar Energy Planning and Implementation

    Oil/Gas Planning and Implementation

    Endangered Species

    Environmental, Social, Governance

    Environmental Science

    Archaeology/Cultural Resources



    Custom Software Development

    Tribal Liaisons

    Web Design/Portal

    Oil and Gas Well Plugging

    Energy Project Management

    Grave and NAGPRA Specialists


    BIA Energy and Mineral Development Program Grant

    BIA Class III Cultural Resources Surveys

    BIA Environmental Assessments

    BLM Environmental Assessments

    BLM Class III Cultural Resources Surveys

    NTIA Broadband Grants

    NRCS CRP Vegetation Surveys

    Texas Military Department Invasive Species Surveys

    Tribal Cultural Resources Surveys

    Tribal Cemetery Preservation Projects

    Tribal CARES Act Projects

    Tribal Industrial Park

    Tribal Biomass Facility

    Tribal 5000 acre Wind Farm

    State 5000 acre Wind Farm

    Tribal Broadband Feasibility Study


    213111 - Drilling Oil and Gas Wells

    213112 - Support Activities for Oil and Gas Operations

    221114 - Solar Electric Power Generation

    221115 - Wind Electric Power Generation

    221116 - Geothermal Electric Power Generation

    221117 - Biomass Electric Power Generation

    238910 - Site Preparation Contractors

    423490 - Wall maps

    519130 - Internet Publishing and Broadcasting and Web Search Portals - Street map and guide publishers, exclusively on Internet

    541320 - Landscape Architectural Services

    541370 - Surveying and Mapping Services, Geographic information system base mapping services

    541511 - Custom Computer Programming Services

    541620 - Environmental Consulting Services

    541720 - Historic and cultural preservation research and development services

    561710 - Exterminating and Pest Control Services

    562910 - Remediation Services

    712120 - Historical Sites

    813312 - Environment, Conservation and Wildlife Organizations