Monica Smith Griffin

President & CEO

Prior to the formation for Reagan Smith Inc., Monica Smith Griffin was a landman in the energy industry for five years. During that time she gained valuable experience in dealing with various regulatory agencies such as the state regulatory agnecies, Bureau of Land Management and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. She has used this experience to create a company that allows operators to navigate complicated regulations and procedures.

With her extensive knowledge of Federal and State regulations and leasing procedures, she is the backbone of Reagan Smith, providing assistance in all aspects of the company. Monica works closely with all the departments of Reagan Smith ensuring efficient and accurate work product for all clients. As the President, she is responsible for guiding the company through the ever-changing energy sector and spearheading new endeavors. 

She is currently working with clients to develop Environmental, Social, Governance programs based on her background in environmental science and her training through the ESG Leadership Certificate University of Oklahoma Program.

Monica has a background in Contracts, Environmental Law, International Law, and Petroleum Transactions. Monica is also a senior partner at St. John, Griffin & Krieg, P.L.L.C. which focuses on Native American and natural resource law.

  • University of Maryland, Caesarea, Israel

  • B.A. in History and Anthropology, University of Oklahoma

  • Oxford University, Brasenose College, England

  • M.A. Natural Resources Management, Texas A&M

  • Juris Doctorate, Oklahoma City University

  • ESG Leadership Program, University of Oklahoma


  • USFWS Section 10 Biologist - American burying beetle