Lee Vasquez Ilaoa joins Reagan Smith as Tribal Programming Specialist

Reagan Smith, a state, federal and Tribal project management consulting company, recently added a Tribal Programming Specialist to its team to help further its mission of leading natural and cultural resource protection and development through superior customer service, intuitive project planning and streamlined regulatory compliance. Lee Vasquez Ilaoa has a long history of developing projects in Indian country from food sovereignty to economic development she has vast experience which will provide clients with a great resource.

 “We’re so grateful to have such an outstanding individual join our team,” Reagan Smith CEO Monica Smith Griffin said. “Lee brings valuable and unique experience to this position, and we look forward to providing our clients with such stellar expertise.”

Lee Vasquez-Ilaoa serves as an American Indian Studies and English Professor and earned her PhD from the University of Oklahoma. A Mescalero Apache/Lower Brule Lakota descendant, she has special interest in environmentally-sustainable programming, community empowerment and increasing awareness of the sovereignty and resilience of indigenous women and Tribes.

 As a Tribal Program Specialist, Lee collaborates with Tribal communities to identify goals and strategize ways to address present and future needs. Lee is also a Board Member of Gollapalli Charitable Foundation that focuses on alleviating poverty through education, clean water programs and economic development in underserved areas.

Contact Lee at lvasquez@reagansmith.com or 405-286-9326


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