
Environmental criteria may include a company’s environmental justice, energy use, waste, pollution, carbon foot print, natural resource conservation, and treatment of wildlife. The criteria can also be used in evaluating any environmental risks a company might face and how the company is managing those risks. For example, are there issues related to its ownership of contaminated land, its disposal of hazardous waste, its management of toxic emissions, or its compliance with government environmental regulations?

Reagan Smith provides environmental risk assessments to determine risk. We work with companies to provide Carbon Accounting and obtain Carbon Credits in order to work towards net zero.

  • Carbon Accounting/Energy Use

    Carbon accounting or greenhouse gas accounting refers to processes used to measure how much carbon dioxide equivalents an organization emits. It is used by states, corporations, and individuals to create the carbon credit commodity traded on carbon markets (or to establish the demand for carbon credits).

    Reagan Smith Carbon Accounting Team provides Enterprise Carbon Accounting that is comprehensive, periodic, auditable, flexible, standards-based, scalable and efficient. Carbon Accounting provides factual ground for carbon-related decision making.

    Enterprises that realize reduced emissions and energy consumption utilize systems with the following capabilities:

    • Real-time historical energy data that is easily accessible

    • Role-based visibility into plant emissions data

    • Provides executives with real-time visibility into emissions data

    • Ability to benchmark emissions levels with goals and industry standards.

    We work with companies to determine their corporate carbon footprint through a rapid and cost effective process that allows business to collect, summarize and report enterprise and supply chain GHG inventories.

  • Carbon Credits

    Carbon Credits allow companies to offset for their greenhouse gas emissions to obtain net-zero.

    The underlying theory is simple. If one party can’t stop emitting CO2, it can ask another to emit less so that, even as the first carries on producing CO2, the total amount of carbon in the atmosphere is reduced.

    Examples of carbon credits are:

    • Those from reduced emissions (typically energy efficiency measures)

    • Removed emissions (carbon capture and planting forests)

    • Avoid emissions (for example refraining from cutting down rainforests).

    • Improving land through well plugging and restoration

    • investing in renewable projects

      Reagan Smith works with the developer to obtain carbon credits and set up private carbon banks through Carbon Sequestration or Carbon Capture. Carbon credits can also be obtained through site restoration. We partner with Tribes to create offset projects on Tribal lands.

  • Environmental Criteria

    Environmental criteria may include a company’s energy use, waste, pollution, natural resource conservation, and critical species. The criteria can also be used in evaluating any environmental risks a company might face and how the company is managing those risks. For example, are there issues related to its ownership of contaminated land, its disposal of hazardous waste, its management of toxic emissions, or its compliance with government environmental regulations?

    • Environmental Justice

    • Wetlands

    • Water Resources

    • Migratory Birds

    • Endangered Species

    • Air Resources

    • Stakeholders


Carbon Sequestration

