Water Sampling and Well Monitoring
Many seismic and oil & gas operations in densely populated areas require water sampling and testing. Usually, a baseline of the wells in the area is obtained prior to commencing operations. Many operators obtain baseline testing to protect against unsubstantiated claims of contamination or mechanical degradation. After operations are complete, all wells are retested to determine if contamination has taken place.
Bathymetric Surveys
Bathymetric surveys measure the depth of a water body as well as map the underwater features of a water body. Multiple methods can be used for bathymetric surveys. Bathymetric surveys are used for many different types of research including flood inundation, contour of streams and reservoirs, leakage, scour and stabilization, water-quality studies, dam removal, biological and spill, and storage and fill in reservoirs and ponds.
Pond Management and Remediation
Our staff of biologists and wildlife scientist are dedicated to enhancing the beauty, health and recreational benefits of privately owned ponds. We work with landowners to create pond management plans and strategies that are effective with minimal environmental impact.
Floodplain Permits
Floodplain management is the operation of a community program of corrective and preventative measures for reducing flood damage. These measures take a variety of forms and generally include requirements for zoning, subdivision or building, and special-purpose floodplain ordinances.
Reagan Smith can prepare and submit your floodplain drilling application to the local Floodplain Administrator. Our engineering staff will develop a mitigation plan, also called a flood proofing plan that may include: (1) Raising well pad to meet elevation requirements to avoid flooding; (2) Elevate berms around tank battery, well head, or Horse Head pump; and/or (3) Tie-down configuration for tanks, heaters, separators, etc. Once the plan is developed, the application is prepared and submitted to the appropriate agency. As your representative, we will attend any required approval meetings to present and explain the plan.
Wetland Delineation
Wetlands provide crucial environmental and ecological functions. It has therefore become crucial to identify and delineate wetland in any given project area as a first step in analyzing impacts to these important ecosystems. Wetland delineation typically involves identifying and analyzing the vegetation, soil and hydrologic characteristics of an area and determining if those parameters indicate that the area meets the criteria for classification as a freshwater wetland. Those areas are then flagged in the field and the flagged boundaries located by survey crews and plotted on project base maps. While wetland delineation methodologies may vary slightly from state to state, the US Corps of Engineers methodology is generally regarded as the underlying basis for the various methodologies.
Water Permits
Water can be purchased from a variety of sources. Reagan Smith assists operators and developers in acquiring water rights from private landowners, municipalities, tribes and federal agencies.