Environmental Due Diligence
Phase 1
It is always prudent to perform Environmental Due Diligence, especially where there is a concern of potential environmental risks exists. Reagan Smith’s staff understands the broad framework of potential environmental liability imposed by state and federal regulations on parties. Environmental Due Diligence Reports typically cover endangered species habitat assessment, migratory birds habitat assessment, Bald and Golden Eagle habitat assessment, floodplain issues, wetland issues, and a variety of regulatory and permitting issues. Obtaining an Environmental Due Diligence Report can assist in troubleshooting and siting projects.
1. Phase I
2. Scoping Reports
Environmental Due Diligence
When purchasing properties or prior to surface disturbance it is always prudent to perform an Environmental Due Diligence, especially where there is a concern of potential environmental risks exists. Reagan Smith’s staff understands the broad framework of potential environmental liability imposed by state and federal regulations on parties. Environmental Due Diligence Reports typically cover endangered species habitat assessment, migratory birds habitat assessment, Bald and Golden Eagle habitat assessment, floodplain issues, wetland issues and a variety of regulatory and permitting issues. Obtaining an Environmental Due Diligence Report can assist in troubleshooting and siting projects.
NEPA Compliance
We prepare all levels of documents for NEPA compliance including Categorical Exclusions, Biological Assessment, Biological Evaluations, Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements. We also provide Environmental Due Diligence reports.