Geothermal lessees must conduct exploration operations in a manner that protects the quality of surface and subsurface waters, air, and other natural resources, including wildlife, soil, vegetation, and natural history. (43 CFR §3252.11 (a)(1)(2) The BLM may require you to submit a contingency plan describing procedures to protect public health, safety, property, and the environment. (43 CFR §3252.11 (d)) When applying for approval of drilling operations, an operations plan that describes how you will drill for and test the geothermal resources covered by your lease will be submitted to BLM. Your plan must tell BLM enough about your proposal to allow them to assess the environmental impacts of your operations. (43 CFR §3261.12)
Reagan Smith, Inc. streamlines the frustrations associated with drilling permits. We have a full-service department dedicated to completing, filing and ensuring your Application for Permit to Drill (APD) is submitted and approved within a reasonable time to meet your schedule requirements. Our environmental and permitting staff can prepare all aspects of the permit and assist in compliance. Reagan Smith is experienced with the process and has developed relationships with the agencies across the country to facilitate a streamlined process dedicated to your needs. Large projects that include multiple wells can be bundled together for efficiency.