Preserving Cultural Resources and History
Our archaeology staff specializes in surveys on federal and Indian lands. Most projects involving federally, or Indian managed lands will require a cultural resources survey prior to the issuance of a permit. Reagan Smith has vast experience performing the following cultural resources management services in compliance with state and federal guidelines.
Digitizing historic documents and maps is crucial for preserving history. Our trained staff protects fragile documents, digitizes and delivers to use in an easy to access platform. Map related documents such as deeds or assignments can be linked to digital maps.
We locate graves and other buried objects through the use of ground penetrating radar. All graves are documented and researched. The headstones are photographed and recorded. All data is connected in the Land Scout platform for easy access to maps, pictures and documents
Oral Histories
Preserving the past starts with recording our elders memories. We work with organizations to interview, record and preserve oral histories that are tied to historic events, locations and photographs.